Several areas in the Rocky Mountain N.P are closed for different reasons (flora/fauna protection). As of today, The Needle (WØC/FR-152) is off limits until August 1st 2022 and you have to be careful for Trailridge (WØC/FR-123) depending on your approach. Thanks to Carey/KXØR for the pointer. More details can be found here:
Author Archives: K0MOS
WØC Zoom Meeting
Feb 23, 2022 – 7 PM Mountain
Instead of having a W0C dinner, we will be having an online meeting (via Zoom) to get the W0C SOTA folks together. SOTA enthusiasts outside of Colorado that have an interest in chasing or activating W0C are welcome to join us.
Contact KØNR/Bob for details on how to access the meeting.
Please pour your own favorite beverage before the meeting starts.
(Sorry, no bar service.)
1. Welcome and introductions – 15 min
(modulate the introduction time per person to fit into 15 minutes)
2. Short Topics – 2 hours
Each Short Topic has up to 10 minutes for presentation
These can just be verbal or include slides, depending on the topic
It does not have to take 10 minutes, can be shorter but not longer, add 5 additional minutes for group discussion, 15 minutes total
Short Topic | Presenter |
Activating a string of 10 pointers | David/W0ADV |
How far on VHF/UHF? | Bob/K0NR |
Improving your SOTA spotting results | Mike/WF0M |
Summit Names | Matt/K0MOS |
James Webb Space Telescope | Curtis/KC5CW |
Endfed wire antennas | Steve/WG0AT |
The Joy and Agony of SOTA S2S Contacts | Carey/KX0R |
3. Wrap up – 15 minutes
Final comments, last minute discussion
WØC 10-10-10 Challenge :: Final Results

Our CSO (Jim/NØIPA) just emailed me the final results (well, it was this morning but I was already on an activation)
Before pouring over the results, let me take a minute and say a BIG THANK YOU to all the participants.
Over the 10 days of the event/challenge, 26 activators climbed 64 summits above 10k’, conducted 2762 QSOs with 642 chasers. I call this a success!
Some chasers/activators have duplicate QSO on the same summit on the same day. Per SOTA rules these were removed and we awarded credit for one QSO per summit per day.
Unfortunately five summit activations were not logged. Sorry chasers.
Also a big THANK YOU goes to my co-organizers/contributors:
- Dave/NØDET
- Bob/KØNR
- Jim/NØIPA Chief Spreadsheet Officer
- Steve/wGØAT Art Director
And to the sponsors Dan/NØOLD (Autographed Photo prints from Colorado) and Steve/wGØAT (collector’s item hats). Thanks guy’s, your contribution made it even more interesting.
Operators who would like a certificate for participating, please send an email to Jim/NØIPA and he will make sure you get one.
Last but not least, I will contact the winners in both categories by Tuesday the latest for the details on how to obtain your price.
Looking forward to the WØC 14-14-14 Challenge
73, Matt/KØMOS
Here the results:
Stats_final2WØC 10-10-10 Challenge :: Update
1) We are still waiting for missing logs to crunch the numbers. Activators, please send in your logs if you activated a WØC summit above 10000 ft. between August 7th – August 16th.
2) Steve/wGØAT is donating an unstructured base ball cap with collector’s item rare embroidered patch of SOTA petroglyphmtn goat design (see picture, color may vary). These will be awarded to the #4 in each category. As a reminder, the top 3 in each category will receive a personalized and autographed print from Photographer Dan/NØOLD. Check out his Colorful Colorado collection.

73, Matt/KØMOS
Day 10: Results
It’s over… 10 days of non stop activations in WØC. Thanks’ to all Activators who battled the bad air quality and the ferocious wind in the beginning of the event.
Many thanks to all chasers as well, I never had so many local (VHF and HF) chasers in my log. There seemed to be an increased interest in SOTA chasing.
Following the preliminary stats after the event (day 10). We think there are quite a few activator logs missing… so please… if you activated a summit above 10000 ft. in WØC between August 7 and August 16 submit your log to Jim/NØIPA. Even if you do not want to participate in the event, your chasers might want to get the points… deadline for submitting the logs is August 20th 2021 @ midnight – thank you in advance.
Now we have to be patient and wait for August 21st, hoping we will get all logs and Jim/NØIPA can do his final magic to determine the winners.
73, Matt/KØMOS
Stats_Day10_0816Day 9: Results
Here the results after day 9 of the challenge. One more day to go.
Stats_Day9_0815Day 8: Results
Current status of the 10-10-10 challenge after 8 days. Keep in mind that we might not have all logs yet. Activators… please make sure that Jim/NØIPA gets all your logs before August 20th, 2021 @ midnight MDT. THANKS
Stats_Day8_0814Day 7: Results
Here the latest results as they were reported (11 pages).
Stats_Day7_0813Day 6: Results
More Activators sent in their logs… THANK YOU.
We discussed a cut off date to finalize the results and it is set to August 20th, 2021 @ midnight MDT. Please make sure to send in your logs to Jim/NØIPA by this deadline.
And here the latest results after day-6 (10 pages):
Stats_Day6_0812Day 5: Results
Halfway through the challenge… here the results we received so far. Please send in your activator logs… thanks!