Reporting a successful contact (QSO) is easy:
- Report your QSO into the centralized database and claim your points. Follow this link, which brings you to the CHASER REPORTING tool. If this is your first visit, you can register for free. Make sure to create your account in the correct association. Typically, this is where your home station (QTH) is located (probably WØC since you are on the WØC-SOTA web site).
- As soon as you are registered, you can Log-in and report your successful chase by filling out the necessary fields. Your points will be automatically assigned to your account. Keep in mind that all times are in UTC time.
- Now you can check your total points and compare your score with your fellow chasers by going to the CHASER ROLL OF HONOUR.
Activators appreciate being SPOTTED because this increases their chances of a successful activation (four contacts minimum). Just enter the required data on the official SOTAwatch site by clicking “Add Spot”.
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