
There are lots of tools and resources for planning and reporting your activation. The Following is a sample of useful resources. Are you aware of another tool or resource for activators? Please contact Matt to add it to the list.


Official SOTA SiteWebSOTA UKGateway to all official SOTA resources
Rules & GuidelinesPDFSOTA UKGeneral Rules & Guidelines for SOTA
WØC Association Reference Manual (ARM)PDFWØ Assoc.Mgr.Defines all summits and rules for the WØC Association
SOTA Activator GuidelinesPDFSOTA UKThe rules summarized on one page :)
SOTAwatch: AlertsWebSOTA UKCreate activation alerts for the world to see (You have to sign-up for a free account)
NA SOTA GroupWeb3rd party: Group.ioThe NA-SOTA Group on is a great place to meet fellow Chasers/Activators, announce activations and share experiences. You have to submit a 'join' request before getting access
Results & Summits DatabaseWebSOTA UKSubmit activation logs, search for summits, view results etc.
SOTA Mapping ProjectWebSOTA UKGoogle map overlay. Allows to search for SOTA summits based on Assoc./Region, grid locator etc.
How to Activate a SOTA PeakPDF3rd party: Guy/N7UNGuy/N7UN’s helpful 4-page summary of the steps involved from planning, posting an activation Alert, conducting the activation itself and post-activation activities.
WØC SummitsWebWØ Assoc.Mgr.Find a summit in WØC
SMS GatewayPhoneSOTA UK: AndySMS gateway for selfspotting. You have to register with Andy: mm0fmf_sota (at) intermoose dot com

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