
A brief history incl. major milestones for the Colorado SOTA Association. Details are a little fuzzy for the early days but I think we captured the important steps. Contact me if you have corrections or more details.

Too much information? Check out a summary with all the firsts in Colorado.

Sources: Steve/wGØAT, Guy/N7UN, Matt/KØMOS, sotadata.org.uk

SOTA in Colorado - Timeline

1st CO Shack Sloth
1st CO Shack Sloth

Colorado has its first Shack Sloth. Daniel/WB9WHQ reached 1000 Chaser points on April 8th, 2012


We are online… with a Website dedicated to SOTA in WØ. Matt/KØMOS teamed up with Steve/wGØAT and Jerry/KDØBIK to flush out the content.  

Tweaks and adjustments

A complete list of USGS summits was obtained from John Kirk (ListsofJohn.com) in the spring of 2011. Duplicate summits between WØ Regions and summits failing prominence were removed based on the USGS data.  North Dakota and South Dakota were added to WØ as new Regions. All this resulted in an updated WØ…Read More

1st Colorado summit activated

The first Colorado summit was activated for SOTA on May 1st 2010. Steve/wGØAT activated WØC/FR-Ø63 (Mt. Herman) on 20m with 33 CW contacts. You can check out Steve’s video from this ‘historic’ activation.

…3 …2 …1… lift off

On May 1st, 2010 the WØ SOTA Association launched as the fifth US Association with Steve/wGØAT serving as the first Association Manager.

1st Steps

A set of 219 “seed” summits for Colorado was received from Stuart/KI6J in late 2009 and compiled into the first Association Reference Manual (ARM) containing six regions (FR, PR, RP, SC, SJ, and SR) by Steve/wGØAT in collaboration with Guy/N7UN and the SOTA MT.

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