
A brief history incl. major milestones for the Colorado SOTA Association. Details are a little fuzzy for the early days but I think we captured the important steps. Contact me if you have corrections or more details.

Too much information? Check out a summary with all the firsts in Colorado.

Sources: Steve/wGØAT, Guy/N7UN, Matt/KØMOS, sotadata.org.uk

SOTA in Colorado - Timeline

13th CO Shack Sloth
13th CO Shack Sloth

Walt/WØCP reached Shack Sloth status on August 28th, 2015

3rd CO Mountain Goat

Carey/KXØR (also known as George) reached 1000 Activator points on April 19th, 2015 and represents the third Colorado MG, climbing a total of 197 SOTA peaks…we are a small herd now.

2nd CO Mountain Goat

  Cap/WØCCA reached Mountain Goat status on March 3rd, 2015 – climbing a total of 125 SOTA summits.

2nd CO 25x Shack Sloth
2nd CO 25x Shack Sloth

Martha/WØERI reached 25,000 Chaser points on January 2nd, 2015.

12th CO Shack Sloth
12th CO Shack Sloth

Erich/KIØSK reach Shack Sloth status on December 30th, 2014

11th CO Shack Sloth
11th CO Shack Sloth

Carey/KXØR reached Shack Sloth status on November 9th, 2014

10th CO Shack Sloth
10th CO Shack Sloth

John/NØTA reached Shack Sloth status on December 9th, 2013

1st CO 25x Shack Sloth
1st CO 25x Shack Sloth

Gary/WØMNA reached 25,000 Chaser points on August 6th, 2014. Took him less than a year from ’10x Shack Sloth’ to ’25x Shack Sloth’.

1st CO Mountain Goat

Colorado got its first Mountain Goat (MG). Matt/KØMOS reached 1000 Activator points by climbing his 161st SOTA summit on May 27th, 2014.

Good by… and welcome

North and South Dakota were split off from the WØ Association, resulting in two (2) separate Associations WØC (Colorado) and WØD (Dakotas). Steve/wGØAT stepped down as the Associaten Manager (AM), Matt/KØMOS became the newly appointed AM. Version 2.2 of the ARM was released with all these changes on April 1st, 2014.

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